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The purpose of this research is to design and build a web-based e-commerce information system using a Content Management System (CMS) that can provide informative information, make transactions online, and expand market coverage. The system is built using CMS WordPress. The method used in system development is a prototype method with the system modeling language used is Unified Modelling Language (UML). The results obtained are a web company that provides informative information about the company profile and can conduct online service orders transactions.Keywords: Office of accountant Services, E-Commerce, CMS, prototype


Office of accountant Services, E-Commerce, CMS, prototype

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How to Cite
Rafi Ardo, Mohamad Hasanudin, Afiat Sadida, & Farizi, M. A. F. (2020). Build A Web-Based E-Commerce Information System Using Content Management System (CMA) at Djuwariyah Accountant Service Office . Ilomata International Journal of Management, 1(2), 78-82.


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