In Vol 3 No 1 there are several authors from Russia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Netherlands, and Malaysia.


Published: Jan 31, 2022

The Effect of the Implementation of E-Invoice 3.0 and Taxable Person Compliance to Value Added Tax Revenue at KPP Pratama Pasar Rebo

1-12 Irawati Irawati, Hendra Darmawan, Muhammad Sofyan, Tatiana Serebryakova
Read Statistic: 872
PDF Downloads: 9892

Evaluation of the Utilization of Tax Incentive Policies during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Framework of National Economic Recovery

13-21 Ratih Kumala, Ibrahim Abu Bakar
Read Statistic: 607
PDF Downloads: 9417

SWOT Analysis of Indonesian Tax Administration Innovation in the Digitalization Era

22-34 Notika Rahmi, Damith Gangodawilage
Read Statistic: 1284
PDF Downloads: 9273

Climate Change, Carbon Tax, and the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes Preparedness in Implementing the New Carbon Tax

35-45 Ryan Nugraha, Paul Balogun
Read Statistic: 647
PDF Downloads: 9936

Strategy of Advertising Tax Collection in the Digitalization Era on Badan Pendapatan Daerah of DKI Jakarta

46-56 Eka Rofiyanti, Ika Muji Lestari, Istamkhuja Olimovich Davronov, Alian Natision, Krishantoro Krishantoro
Read Statistic: 880
PDF Downloads: 10026

Strategies for Maintaining Tax Compliance of SMEs During Covid-19 Pandemic by Using Supply Chain Management Integration Approach

57-67 Aramia Fahriyah, Wuwuh Andayani, Rochland Yoseph, S. Penta Nurwibowo, Wendy Irawan
Read Statistic: 547
PDF Downloads: 9367

The Effect of Taxpayer Awareness, Understanding’s Knowledge of Taxation on Compliance of Small and Medium Micro Business Taxpayers at Pratama Tax Service Office Cibitung

68-77 Agus Subagiyo, Nurbaity, Islah, Rudi, Junaidi
Read Statistic: 614
PDF Downloads: 9910

The Effectiveness of Using the Application of Coverage Management System (SIMPAN) at the Madya Tax Office Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia

78-90 Novianita Rulandari, Setya Haryati, Victor Van Kommer, Dwi Agustina, Diana Prihandini
Read Statistic: 277
PDF Downloads: 9218

Analysis of the Implementation of Annual Tax Reporting Policy among Personal Tax Payer in Indonesia

91-102 Dwikora Harjo, Fauzilah Salleh
Read Statistic: 403
PDF Downloads: 8897

The Effect of Competencies and Independence Internal Auditors on Internal Audit Quality: The Theoretical Review Approach

103-116 Ahmadi Aidi, Sayuthi Sayuthi, Imam Susanto, Ahmad Junaidi, Abdurohim Abdurohim
Read Statistic: 1052
Pdf Downloads: 9589